Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Prayer and Thanksgiving

In honor of Thanksgiving, I decided to take this opportunity to reflect on all that I have to be grateful for. As I began to list all the things I’m thankful for in my head I started to realize that most of what was coming to mind was very self-focused. I’m grateful for my family and friends, my education, my home, the cockroach I just chased under a chair (ok that I could do without). But the point is, while it’s good to be thankful for all of these abundant blessings, I should be giving thanks for the more important things too. I get so caught up in all these little blessings that it’s easy to forget the greatest blessing of all.

Prayer of Thanksgiving (Modeled after Psalm 136)

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.

His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.

His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord of lords:

His love endures forever.

To the creator of the universe,

His love endures forever.

Who paints the sunsets each night,

His love endures forever.

Who scattered the stars across the sky,

His love endures forever.

And raised the mountains up out of the ocean,

His love endures forever.

To the giver of life and breath,

His love endures forever.

And the sustainer of earth and all that is in it,

His love endures forever.

To him who descended from heaven,

His love endures forever.

And lowered himself taking on human flesh,

His love endures forever.

Who was despised and beaten by men,

His love endures forever.

And rejected by the very ones he came to save,

His love endures forever.

To him who resisted all temptation,

His love endures forever.

And whose name the enemy feared,

His love endures forever.

To him who healed the sick,

His love endures forever.

Who protects the weak,

His love endures forever.

And who delivered the oppressed and needy,

His love endures forever.

To him who bore our shame and guilt,

His love endures forever.

And paid the penalty of the sins of the world,

His love endures forever.

To him who died and was raised, defeating death,

His love endures forever.

To him who brings hope and restoration,

His love endures forever.

To him who welcomes us back into his family,

His love endures forever.

Who never gave up or forgot us,

His love endures forever.

And lifted us up out of our own shame

His love endures forever.

Redeeming us and providing for our ever need.

His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the God of heaven.

His love endures forever.


Sarah said...

Awesome post Nikki!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Unknown said...

Love it Nik!